Affiliate Membership is open to a member of a planning commission or authority within Pennsylvania; a firm or association engaged in housing and community development services and/or activities operating in Pennsylvania; or an association of housing and community development personnel, nonprofit, which operates in the United States. Affiliate members receive discounts on conferences, exhibit space and advertising in PAHRA publications. They receive all issues of the PAHRA Monitor, conference marketing materials, and other member communications both electronic and printed.
Affiliate Membership also provides a listing in the electronic Member Directory and on the PAHRA website, with direct links to your website and email Affiliate members may request an electronic list of email contacts at any time to assist with marketing efforts or communicate information relevant to our membership.
Annual Membership Fee: $450
Click to download the
Affiliate Membership Form.
Associate Membership is open to members of the staff, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, legal counsel or solicitors of any PAHRA member agency, as well as any individual who works in or is interested in the Housing and Community Development industry.
Associate Members receive discounts on training and networking conferences, your own personal issues of the PAHRA Monitor, the PAHRA Member Directory, periodic legislative updates, important industry notifications, action alerts, conference savethe date, training agendas, registration and hotel information, and all other PAHRA communications both electronic and printed delivered directly to your desk or inbox.
Annual Dues: $80
Click to download the
Associate Membership Form.