M&L Associates is seeking a Senior Project Manager. This is a full-time position with remote employment available offering competitive salary and benefit package. Please click here to view a detailed position description, including qualifications and application instructions.
Equal Opportunity Employer.

HUD’S Davis Bacon & Labor Standards Worker’s Pocket Guide is Available

HUD’s Office of Davis Bacon and Labor Standards (DBLS) requires that contractors pay their workers federal prevailing wages, including fringe benefits. When DBLS works to ensure that workers understand and can flag issues with federal labor compliance, contractors are better able to understand and comply with labor law requirements, ensuring that appropriate wage rates, including union-defined rates are maintained.


The Worker’s Pocket Guide (English) (hud.gov) is intended to provide construction workers working on HUD-funded projects with a tool to enhance their understanding about their rights as a worker. The pocket guide is available at Worker’s Pocket Guide (English) (hud.gov)

Please share this resourceful information with construction workers/contractors in your communities. With your support, we can make a difference in the lives of many workers looking for job opportunities to enable them to know their rights.

Or you may contact Chris Howe at chrhowe@pa.gov or call (717) 720-7406.

This message sent courtesy of Center for Community and Housing Development, PA Department of Community & Economic Development, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, 4th Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225


The Housing Authority of the City of Eason is recruiting for several full-time positions. Click on the links below to view detailed position descriptions, including qualifications, duties, and application instructions.

Equal Opportunity Employer.