Why Did You Receive a UC 1099-G?

It’s tax season and one of your employees comes to you asking why they have received a UC 1099 – G. It’s not the usual form you see and when you look at it you see it’s a Statement for Recipients of PA Unemployment Compensation Payments. The employee explains that they have been working during the entire 2021 year. So why are they receiving this form?
While you may not be a tax preparer, you may be able to assist the employee by helping them to remember any jobs they worked in the 2021 tax year. Several questions will help them:

  • Did the employee receive any unemployment benefits during 2021? If they are unable to recall, here are some other questions to ask:
  • Did the employee have a reduction in the hours that they would normally work? If the employee answers yes, there is a chance that they received benefits as a result of them filing for these benefits. If the employee says no, proceed to the following:
  • Did the employee have other employment in addition to their current job at the authority? If the answer is yes, they may have experienced a reduction in hours there or lost the job altogether. This scenario could render them eligible for unemployment benefits.
  • They can be referred to the following link for the Labor and Industry website:


If none of the above scenarios fit with the employee’s employment status, the last consideration is that there has been a fraudulent claim filed against the PA Department of Labor and Industry using the employee’s social security number and personal information. This last scenario is a very likely explanation.
If the employee feels that this form is the result of a fraudulent claim, there are a number of sources that you can refer them to. The employee most likely wants to complete their taxes expeditiously and you can provide for them a link to the IRS website that addresses this issue:
Additionally, the employee will want to address the fraudulent claim issue by contacting the three credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and Transunion, to verify that their credit is intact. These companies offer credit monitoring either free of charge or for a small fee. It will be important for the employee to also contact their bank in order to verify that all accounts are in order.
Last, but equally important, they should contact the PA Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) to report the fraudulent claim. L&I has a department dedicated to this issue.
The link to report a fraudulent unemployment claim and form 1099 – G is:
U•COMP members learn about the above and more. If your authority is interested in a non-binding U•COMP quote, please contact:
Debbie Gross, U•COMP Member Service Representative
Email: dgross@pml.org Phone: 1-800-922-8063 ext *254

“What Home Means to Me” Poster Contest – Entries Due June 1, 2022


As part of NAHRO’s Housing America campaign, a calendar poster contest reflecting the theme of “What Home Means To Me” is held each year for children residing in housing assisted or supported under community development or affordable housing programs such as public housing, Section 8, CDBG, HOME, LIHTC, etc.
PAHRA is encouraging our member agencies to have their young residents from kindergarten through 12th grade participate in this year’s contest. Their amazing art and heartfelt messages capture how they feel about their homes and families, and highlights the importance of the work that we H&CD professionals do.
PAHRA member agencies must forward their entries to PAHRA, PO Box J, New Florence, PA 15944 prior to June 1, 2022. Do not send your entries directly to MARC NAHRO or NAHRO. PAHRA will select one entry from each age category to send to the MARC NAHRO regional chapter for further consideration. Regional selections will then proceed to the NAHRO national competition.
Please note that all posters must be 22″ x 28″ with landscape/horizontal orientation to be considered. They must also be mailed flat. We plan to exhibit this year’s entries at the PAHRA Spring Conference & Showcase in Hershey.
If you have any questions concerning the contest, please don’t hesitate to contact kelly@pahra.org. To download poster contest information, please click on the link below. This will provide the contest rules, the contest application, the contest narrative form, and release form to be submitted with each entries.

Invite Your Vendors to the PAHRA 2022 Spring Conference & Showcase

Spring has sprung! Which means the PAHRA 2022 Spring Conference & Showcase is approaching. We hope that you’ll plan to join us for the event at Hershey Lodge, June 12-15, 2022. Our team is working on an awesome agenda that offers something for everyone. Click here to view the preliminary agenda.

Meanwhile, your merchants and service providers may be planning their schedules for the shows they will be attending this year. Why not reach out and invite them to our Spring Conference & Showcase?

Exhibitor information and registration form are available through the link below or have them contact kelly@pahra.org, 724-676-4446, with any questions.

Click here for exhibitor details and registration information

Wouldn’t it be “SWEET” to get together in Hershey? Hope to see you there!

PA DCED HOME ARP Consultation Meeting with PHAs – March 31, 2022 – 11:00 AM

The Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) has partnered with ICF, International to facilitate community consultation discussions in order to develop priorities for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue Plan Act (HOME-ARP) eligible activities and an allocation plan that supports current efforts to improve housing outcomes for those experiencing homelessness and reduce the likelihood of homelessness for the at-risk population. Eligible HOME-ARP activities include: acquiring, constructing, or rehabilitating affordable rental housing; tenant-based rental assistance; provision of supportive services; and acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter (NCS) units.

Qualifying populations that HOME-ARP is meant to assist are households who are experiencing homelessness; at risk of homelessness; fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions; and other vulnerable populations at greatest risk of housing instability.
ICF, International will hold a Consultation Meeting for Public Housing Agencies on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 11:00. Below is the link to join the meeting.

It is important that they hear from you on the needs of your community as it relates to HOME-ARP. Please be prepared to discuss and/or share data on the following: characteristics about the populations you serve and services you provide; unmet housing and service needs; gaps in the current system of housing and services for those being served; priority needs; housing market characteristics including barriers to using rental assistance; and existing and expected resources.

Click the links below to preview the meeting presentation and handout:
Fair Housing & PHA PPT.pdf
HOME ARP Consultation Handout_Final 3-7-22.pdf

Please find more information about HOME-ARP on HUD Exchange: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/home-arp/, including these helpful Fact Sheets


The Housing Authority of the City of York is accepting applications for the position of Section 8 Program Manager and Section 8 Coordinator-Trainer, Special Programs.

Contact Susan Paiva, HR Manager at 717-845-2601, ext. 1124 or spaiva@yorkhousing.org for more information and the application.

Visit www.yorkhousingauthority.com for more insight.

Applications will be accepted until positions have been filled.

Equal Opportunity Employer.